Monolith & Free Standing Signs
Totems, Pylons and Monoliths are all forms of free standing signs. A free standing sign in a clever, and essential piece, of branding. A pylon or totem sign will give you added presence to oncoming traffic and remotely identify the presence of your premises or company. A monolith is particularly advantageous if your business’ location is difficult to find, or when it can contribute to your customer's wayfinding experience.
At WSS Signs we can create pylons, totems and monoliths of varying size, shape and style. They can even be ground illuminated or internally illuminated. WSS Signs has the ability to manufacture and install free standing signage of various heights and designs. Each sign will be custom made to your specific requirements and based on your brand or location. Materials can be specified based on the budget and to suit the location. We offer the construction and installation along with technical detail for the base. As with all of our services, we design and manufacture free standing signs for business in varuous indutrsies nationwide.